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School Districts

Harness Multiple Measures of Assessment

Combine assessment data from multiple measures and sources in one interface to gain a comprehensive view of your learners’ progress.

Analyzing Multiple Measures of Assessment Is No Simple Task

We assess students in many ways throughout a given school year, so that they can demonstrate what they know at different points in time. There are frequent formative methods, interim and benchmark measures, and summative assessments that are often delivered on different platforms, and then scored and reported upon separately too. This siloed, standalone assessment data – especially scores and outcomes data – makes it nearly impossible to understand how students are progressing in a holistic way.

standardized tests between pre-K and 12th grade

A study of the largest urban districts in the U.S. found that students take an average of eight standardized tests per school year.

of teachers believe in the value of formative and interim assessments

Three-quarters of teachers agree that these assessments help them focus on the content that students need to learn and provide data about individual student growth and achievement.

of parents want an accurate measure

A survey found that 82% of public school parents believe it’s important to have an accurate measure of what their child knows.

Ed-Fi Connects Data From Multiple Assessment Systems

Ed-Fi Community members came together to define an essential question: are my students improving in a content area over time? The data that answers that question comprises many types of assessments across different applications. The Ed-Fi Data Standard and Technology Suite allows school districts to weave together those multiple measures and sources. Then, educators and administrators can view all assessment data comprehensively to understand student progress and make instructional decisions that attain desired learning outcomes. Ed-Fi can get you started doing just that.

Dr. Happy Miller

Rio Rancho Public Schools, NM • Executive Director, RADA (Research, Assessment, Data, and Accountability)

"Staff members often need to see how students are doing on multiple measures, especially to make determinations about progress, interventions, and student support. It’s also compelling to use multiple measures of data for day-to-day instructional decisions, like what to teach next or what may need reteaching or extending. What makes Ed-Fi special is the ease of looking at multiple measures of sourced data in one place to support the best judgment calls and instructional decisions for learners."

Not Sure Where to Begin?

We’re here to help. Reach out anytime. 

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Sean Casey

Head of Partnerships